Executives and owners often say that their people are their greatest asset and we can’t agree more. The question is with whom and when to developmentally engage these assets. For 35 years the Company Doctor has been answering those questions, using the following guidelines to initiate Executive Coaching.
• A technically excellent individual who needs to learn how to manage an array of other technical specialists
• A high potential is identified who could become an even more key contributor
• A transition emerges where special attention is required for success
• You need a sounding board
• A once high performer is showing signs of derailing or manifests questionable behavior
• An individual shows a fierce desire to learn and grow
The Company Doctor uses a time tested, inquiry based learning process, where individuals often come to their own answers so they can transfer their insights into other contexts and model it for others.
Invest in yourself or your key leaders in an initial consultation with the Company Doctor.